
    Summer Reading Program Registration 



Blakesburg Public Library Participates

    in 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

The Blakesburg Public Library is participating in the “1,000 Books Before Kindergarten” program that encourages parents to read with their children.  The program is open to any child from birth until he or she enters kindergarten.

The concept is simple; the rewards are priceless. Read a book to your newborn, infant and/or toddler. The goal is to have read 1,000 books before kindergarten. If a parent or caretaker reads one book per day that is 365 books a year, 730 books in two years, and 1,095 books in three years.

Studies have shown that reading with a child provides a great opportunity for bonding. By reading together, you will be creating life-long memories for both parent and child. In addition, reading to children helps them build vocabulary, associate text and pictures with stories, and prepares them to be readers when they start school. To participate, sign up at the library, and keep track your progress in a reading log. These reading logs will make a great keepsake for your child.

The Blakesburg Public Library will provide a tote bag to carry your library books in, and has stickers, bookmarks, reading logs, and certificates to mark each 100-book milestone.  Additional incentives will also be awarded to mark these milestones and encourage completion of the program.

The Friends of the Blakesburg Public Library is sponsoring the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program at Blakesburg Public Library. For more information contact the library at 641.938.2834 or 641.777.0048 or email